Worship at Pullen

Worship at Pullen Memorial Baptist Church is central to our community life and honors the values we profess in our work in the world: “Doing justice, loving kindness, and walking humbly.” We describe ourselves as “ever embracing” and “ever becoming.” This means we offer unrestricted welcome to all and seek continued evolution in the life of faith.

Our views of God are diverse. We approach mystery in many different ways and find wisdom in many sources. Questioners and seekers are at home in our worship as we engage doubts and questions as essential parts of the human experience. Our worship services are informed by Christian roots and Baptist heritage. We foster interfaith relationships, finding meaning in other faith traditions. 

Worship at Pullen interprets themes of biblical texts in ways relevant to the 21st century. Elements that connect us with the sacred include spoken word and silence, visual imagery, poetry, congregational song, choral and instrumental music, dramatic expressions, dance and movement. All are encouraged to participate in worship, engaging body, mind and spirit. 

Words in worship have the ability to empower and sustain or to marginalize and wound.  Understanding that all language for God is metaphorical and that language can instill truths of equality and justice in human relationships, we intentionally strive to incorporate balanced and inclusive language. This includes translating worship expressions to gender-inclusive, gender-fluid and non-gender references for God and all creation.

Worship leadership involves many people from our community. Liturgists are often lay persons who guide us in responsive exclamations, various forms of prayer, scripture, contemporary readings and other worship expressions. Sermons are typically offered by our pastor and occasionally by Pullen’s other ministers and guests.

Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of every month, welcoming all ages and faiths to the Table of Love. ALL persons of belief, disbelief and unbelief are invited to partake of the Bread of Life and Cup of Love. Communion with grape juice and bread, including gluten-free bread, is received at stations by intinction, the tradition of dipping the bread into the cup. Communion elements are also brought to those who prefer to remain seated. 

Baptism at Pullen occurs on Easter morning. Though we typically baptize by immersion, we affirm all forms of baptism. We practice believer’s baptism, which expresses an intention to follow the ways of Jesus, as each individual interprets that calling and commitment. Baptism is not required for church membership at Pullen.


Children are invited to attend worship with their families. We know it’s not always easy for families and children to sit still in church pews, but we want you to know that children are welcome and valued in worship here. We would love to help meet the needs of your children during worship to make your visit as enjoyable as possible.

Birth- PreK: Childcare available (Rooms 116, 117, 118)

1st-3rd Grade: Kids are invited to “follow the light” partway through worship to Kids Worship (Room 126), excluding 1st Sundays and special occasions. Feel free to accompany your child if you’d like.

Kids of All Ages: Fidget toys, dry-erase boards, and markers are available at the All Are Welcome Desk (Room 201)

Places to Note:

Littles Loft: (Room 314) A space with rockers, floor space and engaging items for children, parents can view the live stream of the service. Use this space if you’d like to step out of worship.

Kids Library: You are welcome to stop by (Room 125) to pick out a book to explore during worship.

Church building maps are available at the All Are Welcome Desk.

For your peace of mind, we want to share that all our staff, both paid and volunteer, who interact with children, have completed Pullen’s “Safe Congregation” training and have undergone thorough background checks. Your children's safety is our top priority.