Welcome to Pullen. Let’s show you around.

 A Welcome From Nancy

As pastor of Pullen, I want to take this opportunity to welcome you and extend an invitation for you to get to know the Pullen faith community better. I am glad that you have chosen to explore Pullen Memorial Baptist Church through our website. It is my experience that Pullen is a unique Baptist church in the south. One of the most frequently asked questions from visitors is “What kind of Baptist church is Pullen?” I like to answer that question by saying that we are the kind of Baptists who hold true to our Baptist heritage of soul freedom, church freedom, bible freedom, and religious freedom. With a rich history of celebrating diversity, struggling with the hard questions of faith, and working for justice, our congregation has been a bright light for those seeking a different but authentic church experience. And at the center of it all is a meaningful worship tradition. It is our basic practice to respect every person’s individual faith journey while working together for justice in our world.

While being committed to our mission of being a people that extends God’s love and grace in our world, we also believe that as community we are to care for one another. We seek to do this through our many opportunities to build relationships while ministering, learning, and having fun together. There is a full range of programs and ministries for all ages-childrenyouth, and adults-on both Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights. There are numerous mission groups in which to be involved such as: Care of Creation, Health Care, Peace and Justice, and many others that represent our church’s mission and ministry. We also have many opportunities for fellowship as well as annual events that allow us to enjoy our community of wonderful folks.


As interested as we are in you getting to know us, we are equally interested in learning about you and your faith journey. As pastor of Pullen, it is a delight to meet the people who worship with us and are interested in exploring our church. Hearing your story enriches our story and the life of our community. Please know I welcome conversation with you. My schedule is never too busy to spend time with you and explore your interest in Pullen.


Information for Newcomers

Pullen Memorial Baptist Church extends a warm greeting to you as you begin your journey with us. Here's a brief overview to help you get started:

  • Pullen is a unique Baptist church in the South, rooted in Baptist heritage and values of soul, church, bible, and religious freedom.

  • We have a rich history of celebrating diversity, wrestling with faith questions, and advocating for justice.

  • Our worship tradition is central to our community, honoring each individual's faith journey while collectively working towards justice.

  • Pastor Nancy Petty would love to connect with you and learn about your unique faith journey. Contact her at npetty@pullen.org or 919-828-0897 x 8 to schedule a conversation.

We're excited to get to know you better and welcome you into our community!

Learning About Pullen

We are committed to fully informing individuals about our congregational identity and supporting those who want to explore becoming part of our church family. In addition to participating in Sunday worship, below are some of the ongoing opportunities to learn more about Pullen, as well as logistics on how to attend.

  1. Online FAQ: Get answers to common questions about our church community, such as what we believe and how to get involved.

  2. Pullen 101: Join our 8-week introductory class on Sundays from 9:30-10:30 am to learn about our ministry, mission, history, and more. This class is held twice a year, and the dates are listed at pullen.org/connect.

  3. Sunday Morning Coffee Fellowship and Sunday Groups: Meet Pullen members and staff in an informal setting every Sunday from 10:30-11:00 am in Finlator Hall. At 9:30 am, we offer Sunday Groups, an amazing opportunity for learning, meaningful conversation, and the possibility of deepening your faith and spiritual life. Sunday Groups give us an opportunity to get to know each other and go deeper in our conversations with one another. This is a great if you’re a newer member or attendee looking to connect with others in the Pullen community. Take a moment to look at the list of offerings here.

  4. New Members: Get introduced to the congregation and receive a packet of helpful information. See below for information on joining.

  5. Wednesday Nights at "The Table": Join us for dinner, programming, and fellowship every Wednesday during the academic year.

  6. Building Tours: Schedule a tour to get oriented to our facilities and learn about various activities and events. We will even save you a seat for worship.

  7. All are Welcome Desk & Connect Page: This is where you can find more information about our church's life and ministries. The All are Welcome Desk is located in the foyer outside the sanctuary. When you visit, stop by to receive a small token of our appreciation (it’s a candle).

  8. Adult Groups: Join Sunday Groups, choirs, mission groups, Pullen Mission Women, or international pilgrimages.

  9. Single-stall restrooms are available on the first and second floors. Click here to view our building map.

  10. Accessibility: There is a wheelchair-accessible entrance with an elevator inside Pullen’s main “back-door entrance” outside of Finlator Hall. Wheelchairs are kept at this entrance for guests to use. Handicap-accessible restrooms are located on the second floor, outside of the kitchen. Hearing aids and large print worship guides are available for use in our worship services. Click here to view our building map.

  11. What to wear: Come as you are! Pullen has no dress code for worship. Some members wear jeans and T-shirts, and some wear suits and heels. Seriously, wear what you’d like.

  12. Parking: Parking at Pullen is convenient, with multiple options available:

    • Our parking lot includes upper and lower lots adjacent to the church.

    • Additional parking is along Hillsborough Street between Cox Avenue and Park Avenue.

    • Parking is allowed on Cox Avenue every evening and on weekends.

    • On Sunday mornings, worshippers can park at the YMCA across the street and nearby closed banks and offices.

    • Click here to see our parking map

Joining Pullen

We encourage newcomers to check us out thoroughly before making a decision to join Pullen. This includes meeting with our pastor to discuss church membership. We’ve learned it works best for prospective members and the congregation when visitors take time to get to know the theology, values and priorities of our church before they “walk the aisle.”

In our Baptist tradition, walking the aisle at the end of a worship service is the way to join Pullen. This can be done on any Sunday during the closing hymn.

For those who feel uncomfortable coming forward by themselves, there is an opportunity twice a year to join with a group. This occurs at the end of each Pullen 101 series when people planning to join the church sit close to the front of the sanctuary and join together. These “group joining” dates are announced ahead of time in the church newsletter as well as at pullen.org/connect. You can sign up for our newsletter at the footer of any page of our website.