Worship at Pullen

Worship at Pullen Memorial Baptist Church

Worship is central to our community, reflecting our values of justice, kindness, and humility. We offer an unrestricted welcome to all, embracing diversity in faith and evolving in our spiritual journey.

Our worship blends Christian roots and Baptist heritage while fostering interfaith connections. We honor questions and doubts as part of faith and engage with biblical themes in ways relevant to the modern world. Worship includes spoken word, silence, music, poetry, dance, and visual expressions, inviting full participation of body, mind, and spirit.

We use inclusive and gender-expansive language in worship, recognizing its power to uplift and heal. Leadership is shared among clergy and laypersons, with diverse voices guiding prayers, scripture, and reflections.

Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month, welcoming all—regardless of belief—to the Table of Love. Baptism occurs on Easter morning through immersion, though all baptism traditions are affirmed. It is a personal expression of faith but is not required for church membership.

At Pullen, worship is a journey—a place to question, grow, and experience the sacred together.

What happens in a typical service? We gather, sing, pray, read from Holy Scripture, hear an uplifting message, and go forth to change the world.

What is music like? Congregational, choral, instrumental, inclusive, and engaging.

What do I wear? Anything you want; be your authentic self. You will see everything from jeans to neckties.

What about kids? We love having kids in worship. We also have dedicated resources for kids during worship. Click here to read our brochure for what to expect.

Will I be singled out as a visitor? During worship, we won’t single you out. If you would like to connect with a minister after the service, we have a receiving line. You can also fill out our connect card to receive a call from one of our ministers. Our members love to see new faces and will probably greet you.

Where do I park? Click here to view our parking map.

Are there gender-inclusive bathrooms? Use the restroom that aligns with your gender identity. Single-stall restrooms are available on the first and second floors. Click here to view our building map.

Is it accessible? There is a wheelchair-accessible entrance with an elevator inside Pullen’s main “back-door entrance” outside of Finlator Hall. Wheelchairs are kept at this entrance for guests to use. Handicap-accessible restrooms are located on the second floor, outside of the kitchen. Hearing aids and large print worship guides are available for use in our worship services. Click here to view our building map.

Typical Sunday Schedule:

9:30 am Preschool Care in 122

9:30 am Sunday Groups on the third floor for adults, first floor for children and youth

10 am Worship Choir in the Chapel

11 am Sunday Morning Worship in the Sanctuary and Online