Radically reclaiming justice-love.

Join us for worship on Sundays at 11 am ET!

Get to know us.

 Radical Vision

Pullen will be a living body grounded in the exchange of love,  of resources, of ideas, of care, and of glimpses of the divine. not a gated community of like-minded “believers.”

We will be a gathering of people who boldly step into the free-flying spirit of God. We will ask what people need to live kin-dom lives rather than what the church needs to survive.

Reclaiming Jesus’s example of justice-love, we will move outside our walls to serve the most vulnerable in our community.

Radical Community

Our community welcomes all: The Certain and the Doubtful; The Excluded and the Included; People who are Able and People who are Challenged; Rich, Poor and In Between; Divorced, Partnered, Single and Widowed; Atheist, Agnostic, Buddhist, Catholic, Protestant, Islamic, Hindu, Jewish or Nothing; Heterosexual, Homosexual and Transgender; African-American, Asian, Latino; Citizens and Guests.

All are welcome here. Come here to be who you are.

Radical Hospitality

Pullen Memorial Baptist Church embodies the promise of God’s extravagant love.

We seek to comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable. Our faith calls us to stand up for the poor, oppressed, marginalized and those disenfranchised by the church, the community and the world.

Simply, we are ordinary people called to do extraordinary acts in our community, our neighborhoods, our state and in our world.

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Build a bigger table, not a higher fence.

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The Pullen Blog Faith and Justice

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