Art at Pullen

Video: The Sanctuary Art Project

In this video, you will hear from the Pullen-commissioned artist, Catherine Kapikian, about how art can inspire our worshiping community to feel more of an “embrace of the spirit” in our worship space. Grace Evans, Pullen member and artist, introduces the project.

This is a visual representation of the proposed artwork for the back balcony.

 Sanctuary Art Project

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Scale models that guided the project team members’ work

Approved by congregational vote in the fall of 2011, this project was a collaboration between Pullen Church and liturgical artist, Catherine Kapikian. Congregants provided image and text ideas for the project in the spring of 2012. Responses fell within the following categories:

  • Women of the Bible & Feminine Imagery

  • Nature & The Natural World

  • Mystery of Creator God & Creation

  • Community / Relationships & Affirmation of Them

  • Values & Ideals We Affirm

  • Faith / Mystery of Faith

Ms. Kapikian used this information as a guide to the creation of our sanctuary designs.

We received the full scale drawings from Ms. Kapikian in March 2015. Since that time, interested Pullen members and friends cut the final wood panels, primed the panels, transferred the images to the panels, and carefully had approximately 180 different colors prepared and matched to the design images. Next, the 30 panel images were painted over the course of about 7 months, followed by the gluing of wooden text letters on 26 of the images. The frames for the two works were then cut and delivered to the church by Design Dimension of Raleigh. From May to early August, the frames were painted and assembled with the panel images. The two works were installed the week of August 8, 2016 and dedicated in worship on October 2, 2016.

Scale model: Tree of Life

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TREE of LIFE text (including inspiration and reference):

  1. The trees shall clap their hands (Isaiah 55:12, which is also the source for a favorite hymn “Light Dawns on a Weary World” by NC composer Mary Louise Bringle)

  1. All shall be well (from a prayer by Julian of Norwich, Christian mystic)

  1. Phoebe a leader (Romans 16:1-2)

  1. Where two or three are gathered I am there (Matthew 18:20)

  1. Ever and 6. Becoming (one of the anchoring panel texts – a church growing in relationship with God, creation and one another)

  1. In cocoons a hidden promise (Chalice Hymnal, 638: “In the Bulb There Is a Flower” by Natalie Sleeth)

  1. Shiphrah Puah (Exodus 1:15-21)

  1. If you keep silent Esther (Esther 4:14)

  1. The tree of life whose leaves are for the healing of the nations (Revelation 22:2)

  1. Declares the sacred (Psalm 19: “The heavens declare the glory of God”)

  1. Young, growing God (Chalice Hymnal, 10: “Bring Many Names” by Brian Wren)

  1. Aching God, grey with endless care (Chalice Hymnal: “Bring Many Names” by Brian Wren)

*(Information in parentheses indicates the references for the text.)

Scale model of the Cascading Light panel.

Cascading Light text (including inspiration and reference)

14. In the beginning Ruah created and it was good, very good (Genesis 1:1-31)

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15. Searched me, known me (Psalm 139)

16. Seek welfare of the city (Jeremiah 29:7 – Raleigh’s skyline)

17. When you do it unto these (Matthew 25:35-45)

18. Ever and 19. Embracing (one of the anchoring panel texts – a church striving to be open and welcoming to all)

20. A friend loves at all times (Proverbs 17:17)

21. Tabitha a disciple (Acts 9:36)

22. We drew a circle (Poem: “Outwitted” by Edwin Markham)

23. Walk in newness of life (Romans 6:4 – in honor of Pullen Youth)

24. Every creature is full of God (Meister Eckhart, German theologian and mystic)

25. Raise up new hope (In Our Own Voice hymnal, 1: “Raise Up New Hope” by Shirley E. Murray & Larry Schultz  for Pullen’s 125th anniversary)

26. Do justice, love kindness, walk humbly with God (Micah 6:8 – Pullen’s guiding scripture)

*(Information in parentheses indicates the references for the text.)

A special thanks to the committee members who brought this project to life:Grace Evans, Jeff Evans, Phil Letsinger, Janet McCormick, Jane Rhudy, Larry Schultz, Bruce Spencer, Pat Thomas, DeVon Tolson and the chairperson Cheryl Stallings.


Stained Glass Windows