Church Records & Governing Documents
Councils and Committees
Pullen’s governance is a flat organizational structure of five councils with prescribed duties and responsibilities whose decisions are vetted through a coordinating council with representatives of the five councils and with churchwide decisions vested only in the congregation.
Congregational Care Council
The Congregational Care Council undergirds and equips the church in our support of and care for each other as it encourages us to be ministers to one another. The Council organizes and coordinates the work of the following groups: Seniors/Home Based Ministry, Hospital Care and Good Samaritan Ministry, Crisis Care, Special Ministries (LGBTQ+,Joys & Concerns card ministry, caregivers support), Bereavement Care, Membership, and Inclusion Ministry. The Council consists of six at-large members.
Coordinating Council
The Coordinating Council is a vital link in promoting teamwork and coordinating the related efforts of the Deacons, Councils, committees, individual members and staff in fulfilling the goals of Pullen’s programs and ministries. This Council reviews proposals from other councils and committees and, if necessary, schedules them for congregational deliberation. The Council consists of a representative from each of the five other councils and six elected at-large members. In addition to its churchwide focus, the Council directly oversees the work of the following administrative committees: Archives and History, Buildings and Grounds, Fellowship, Finance, Hospitality, Nominating, Personnel, Siler Garden, Trustee, and Volunteer Coordinator.
Deacon Council
The Deacon Council is a deliberative body that focuses on significant issues in the life of the church. The twelve Deacons facilitate Pullen’s envisioning and futuring, and provide guidance and leadership for implementing plans that are developed from that process. Deacons provide and prepare the Communion elements and assist in the serving of Communion.
Education Council
The Education Council oversees the educational ministries for children, youth, young adults, and adults, including Sunday School, Wednesday offerings, the Library, and other educational programs. The Education Council maintains appropriate policies for staff/volunteers to ensure the safety of children, youth, and volunteering adults. The Council consists of six at-large members and one representative each from the Children’s, Youth, Young Adult, Adult Education, Library, and Wednesday Night committees.
Missions and Outreach Council
The Missions and Outreach Council leads our ministry beyond our church walls, promoting relationships with denominational and ecumenical partners as well as promoting peace, justice, and reconciliation in our community and around the world. The involvement of Pullen groups in denominational relationships, outreach ministries and our funding of organizations that serve persons in need are coordinated through this Council. The Council consists of six at-large members and representatives from both international and local partnerships and Mission Groups. Examples include but are not limited to: Alliance of Baptists, AMOS Health and Hope in Nicaragua, Baptist Peace Fellowship of North America, Community of the Cross of Nails,, Interfaith Creation Care of the Triangle, Pullen Mission Women and HOST (Housing Options for Students Today).
Worship Council
The Worship Council guides the overall worship life of the congregation and assists in envisioning and planning worship seasons and services. The council also supports the church’s music ministry. It has six at-large members and oversees the work of the Funeral, Sanctuary, Ushering and Security Coordinators who may attend meetings as needed.
Building Use Policy
Audio Visual Policy
International Policy
Pullen MembershAudio/Visual Policyip Directory Policy
Inclement Weather Policy
Constitution & Bylaws
The current Constitution and Bylaws were approved at a Congregational Meeting on June 4, 2023.
Safe Congregation
In August of 2007 the Deacon Council of Pullen Memorial Baptist Church voted to form a “Safety and Inclusion Study Group” in response to concern within the congregation about persons attending Pullen who might pose a threat to vulnerable members of the congregation such as children, youth, or those with disabilities. Such a threat might be posed by someone with a documented history of sexual misconduct, a pending allegation of such misconduct, or someone whose current conduct causes concern.
The Safety and Inclusion Study Group (SISG) was formed and charged with bringing recommendations to the Deacon Council about ways to address the presence of a sex offender within the congregation. Out of this group, the Safe Congregation Committee (SCC) was formed to assist the staff when concerns arise.
Staff Job Descriptions
Usher Guidelines
For questions about ushering and greeting at Pullen on Sunday mornings, please contact Chalice Overy.