Our Prophetic Touchstone

Pullen is a progressive faith community, deeply rooted in the heart of Raleigh, committed to love, and laboring for justice.

What does God require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”

—Micah 6:8

Radical Vision

Pullen Memorial Baptist Church embraces God’s radical vision:

You are loved, You are enough.

All people are created in the image of God, an expansive love beyond humanity’s limits. We affirm that there are many paths to God and that no one person or religion holds all the truth. God’s revelation is ongoing, providing relevance and wisdom for society today.

We value the questions of faith that confront, nurture, tear and unite.

We consider that what Jesus teaches us about God is more important than what the church has taught us about Jesus. We cherish the historical freedoms of the Baptist church while acknowledging that our experiences of the sacred are more important than following creeds or doctrines.

We wrestle with the scriptures and seek to understand how they shape us to be people of faith in the world. We accept the responsibility of believer’s to work out their own transformation. We fulfill the obligation to partner with God and with each other to strengthen our communities and our lives.

Radical Community

Pullen Memorial Baptist Church is a community of people seeking to be more human knowing that we are created in the image of God. We are seekers with many questions embracing that we can transform and be transformed.

Our community welcomes all: The Certain and the Doubtful; The Excluded and the Included; People who are Able and People who are Challenged; Rich, Poor and In Between; Divorced, Partnered, Single and Widowed; Atheist, Agnostic, Buddhist, Catholic, Protestant, Islamic, Hindu, Jewish or Nothing; Heterosexual, Homosexual and Transgendered; African-American, Asian, Latino; Citizens and Guests.

All are welcome here. Come here to be who you are.

Radical Hospitality

Pullen Memorial Baptist Church embodies the promise of God’s extravagant love.

Loving God and loving all of our neighbors propel our missions and ministries. We seek to comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable. Our faith calls us to stand up for the poor, oppressed, marginalized and those disenfranchised by the church, the community and the world.

Simply, we are ordinary people called to do extraordinary acts in our community, our neighborhoods, our state and in our world.