Clean Energy and Fair Rates for Consumers

Join Other Faith Voices Opposing NC Energy Legislation That Falls Short on Clean Energy and on Fair Rates for Consumers

Energy legislation, now making its way in the NC General Assembly, could change the path of North Carolina’s energy policy for a decade. HB951 passed the House in mid-July and is up for a vote in the Senate in the days to come. Governor Roy Cooper said the legislation “weakens the Utilities Commission’s ability to prevent unfair, higher electricity rates on consumers in the short run. And in the long run, this bill falls short on clean energy…”

Tell your state senator to oppose House Bill 951 which does not do enough to protect ratepayers from unnecessary rate hikes and falls short of meeting NC’s clean energy goals.

NC Conservation Network offers a link directly to your state senator and a brief letter that can be modified:

For more information on this legislation, read this article from NC Policy Watch NC Policy Watch Article

House Bill 951 Details


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