Praying for Justice and Peace During Lent

Praying for justice and peace during Lent:

What better way to join our prayers and hearts during lent in search of justice and peace in our world?

The life and actions of the dark skinned Palestinian Jew calls us to commit ourselves to a time of contemplation and sacrifice this lent. As wars rage on in the world, we lift our hearts, our eyes and our prayers to Jesus  - who was murdered by the state for the revolutionary actions “ proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free…” (Luke 4 18-19) 

This practice is the commitment to seek justice for  all the prisoners of war including the Palestinians, the Ukrainians, the Sudanese, the Congolese, the Yazidis, the Rohingya, Darfurians and in all places where children, women and men are held without charges and only for political gain. We pray for all the prisoners including those incarcerated in the United States of America purely because of their race or societal status. 

We pray for those in power to see what true justice looks like for ALL people and that their hearts will turn towards justice. That they may see the error of their imperialistic ways and find their hearts like Jesus sought the lost sheep.

We join to lift the oppressed that they may see and experience the same opportunities those of us who are privileged have known. May the least of us feel the sun on their faces and the ease of comfort with homes that they can afford, a plenty of food and futures with promise and not darkness.

We pray that our commitment to justice remains strong and steady in times of such loss of our democracy and the world around us seems to be ablaze. May we see the truth, speak the truth and live in truth taught to us by the actions and life of Jesus.

In the tradition of our Muslim sister and brothers, the prayers are offered 5 times a day. These offerings should not be made publicly, as we are praying in solidarity and example, not trying to culturally appropriate. Should you want to offer prayers on the same schedule, here is a schedule used for the days of lent based on the Muslim times frames (Prayer times for Lent 2025.xlsx) It is fine to pray 5 times a day on a schedule that fits your life, just try to remain disciplined and offer them on a schedule. As Christians the prayers are of your own choosing and do not have to be formal words.  

Some Sample prayers…….

  • "God, may Your light guide my day, and your spirit bring me peace". 

  • Lord, open our eyes to your deeds and our ears to the sound of your call. May those in power hear your call and be inspired by your lift the least of your children 

  • Lord Jesus Christ, You are the true King of peace. In You alone is found freedom, let me be an instrument of your peace

  • Lord Jesus may you bring comfort to those incarcerated this day and may their freedom be granted and their chains of bondage be broken. May the systems that oppress be destroyed for all of eternity

  • May all the angels and your beloved Mother Mary be our north star to guide us to the path of justice and peace

-Elena Ceberio


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