On the third Tuesday of each month, 12:00‒12:30 pm US Eastern time, all are invited to join the Community of the Cross of Nails‒North America network for a Zoom gathering to share the Coventry Litany of Reconciliation [https://www.coventrycathedral.org.uk/ccn/the-coventry-litany-of-reconciliation/].
Approximately 25‒30 people from the US, Canada, and Cuba—plus occasional friends from Germany, Netherlands, UK, South Africa, and elsewhere—gather for prayers, a brief check-in, and reading together the same litany that has been spoken in the ruins of Coventry Cathedral at noon each Friday since 1958.
This idea started during the early pandemic lockdowns, initiated by CCN‒Germany. There was clearly a hunger for this engagement, which attracted participation from across Europe and parts of Africa. In September 2021, CCN-NA President Robert Childers organized the first gathering for the North America time zones.
The Zoom credentials will remain the same each time:
Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82501462596?pwd=Q1ZmNjNGZmhuekI0Rld1RTVPT1liUT09
Meeting ID: 825 0146 2596
Passcode: 746888
More information: Erin Newton, 919-460-9707; eonewton1979@gmail.com