On December 7, the US Supreme Court will hear the Moore vs. Harper case, which seeks to give authority to give the state legislatures the authority to set voting districts without accountability to courts or even the constitution. On the very same day, J. Sailor Jones, Associate Director of Common Cause NC will be with us to offer background about this case and its profound potential impact on democracy, and issue a call of action to communities of faith. Join us at 6:30 pm at Pullen Memorial Baptist Church (Finlator Hall) for this important presentation.
The Table is a place for our community to connect in a less formal setting, and engage in conversation about things that matter in our world. We meet on Wednesdays via Zoom from 6:00 - 7:30 pm, September - May. The first 30 minutes is just about connecting as a community. We greet each other and take a good 15 minutes just to chat. Then we celebrate birthdays, share announcements, joys and concerns, and we pray together. From there, small groups are available to join around that discuss various topics. Visit pullen.org/thetable to sign up for a small group.