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The Table

The Table

At The Table we connect over a meal, and through engaging topics about faith, justice, and the human experience. Dinner is served from 5:30 – 6:15 pm. We share announcements, celebrate milestones and pray together before engaging the topic for the evening.

Dinner is $7 for youth and adults, and $4 for children, with a $24 maximum per family (vegetarian options available).

Kids and Teen programming as well as childcare for preschoolers is available. Check out our topics at and make plans to join us!

May 17 - Personnel Committee on Staff Reconfigurations

Personnel Committee will lead a discussion of some recent staff job description reconfigurations and the motion being brought for a vote during the May 21 congregational meeting. The job reconfigurations will affect primarily ministries with youth and their families, missions and outreach, and young adults. The Personnel Committee has met with each of these groups previously and solicited their feedback about the reconfigurations. The motion to be voted on would make a change to one of our constitutional bylaws related to search committees. The specifics of the motion will be distributed to the congregation in advance of this Wednesday evening discussion. The Personnel Committee welcomes your questions and comments around these important topics.

May 17

Caregiver Support Group

May 17

Pullen Kids' Quest