The Table is a place for our community to connect in a less formal setting, and engage in conversation about things that matter in our world. We meet on Wednesdays via Zoom from 6:00 - 7:30 pm, September - May. The first 30 minutes is just about connecting as a community. We greet each other and take a good 15 minutes just to chat. Then we celebrate birthdays, share announcements, joys and concerns, and we pray together. From there, small groups are available to join around that discuss various topics. Visit to sign up for a small group.
April 6 - Mysticism and Faith
Rachael Wooten and Chalice Overy talk about mysticism as it relates to their faith–how they stumbled upon mysticism in the faith journey and how it has sustained it. In addition to being a Pullen member, Rachael Wooten is a Zürich-trained Jungian analyst and psychologist who has been in private practice as a therapist for more than forty years. As a child, Rachael was drawn to different religious expressions and followed her instincts to study and practice in different traditions. Her interests in human consciousness led her to the field of psychology. Given its limitations for encompassing the whole of the individual, she began Jungian studies and a deep dive into spiritual practices for her own healing, that of her clients, and members of her community.
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