The Table is a place for our community to connect in a less formal setting, and engage in conversation about things that matter in our world. Dinner will be served from 5:30-6:15 pm. Indoor and outdoor seating will be available. When the weather does not permit outdoor seating, we will set up an additional space for indoor seating to help maintain distance. Adult programming will begin at 6:30 pm. Childcare and children’s activities are also available at this time. Youth programming begins at 6:00 pm. Please sign up to let us know you’re coming. Please sign up by the Sunday before you plan to attend. See instructions below to sign up on Realm. If you do not have a Realm account please contact Kate Amesbury,, to set one up.
Connections of Mind, Body, and Spirit
As we begin our series “Theology and Disability” we’ll explore how people employ their resources to react to trauma such as during the pandemic. Joining us are Cathy Corbin, PhD, Clinical Psychologist (retired), and John Corbin, PhD, Clinical Psychologist (retired).
Menu: Assorted Quiches (cheese, spinach, veggie); salad and fruit; biscuits; dessert