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Summer Sunday Series: Womanist Theology

  • Pullen Memorial Baptist Church 1801 Hillsborough Street Raleigh, NC, 27605 United States (map)

How would you like for someone else to cook breakfast for you every Sunday morning followed by engaging conversation with like-minded friends? Join us for our 2022 Summer Sunday series beginning June 5 at 9:00 am in Finaltor Hall. We have an exciting line-up of cooks and great speakers for our Summer Sunday Series.

Breakfast will begin at 9:00 am followed by a presentation and conversation on topics ranging from queer theology to book banning. With our stomachs and minds full, we will then join together for our 11:00 am worship experience as we open our hearts to God's spirit stirring within us and around us.

Womanist Wisdom: The Rev. Cheryl A. Kirk-Duggan, Ph.D.—Consultant, Scholar, Preacher, Author, and Performer—Founder and CEO for Dr. Cheryl Enterprises, LLC will lead a session that provides a thumbnail sketch of womanist theology and praxis, grounded in the thought of Alice Walker. Birthed in the 1980s as a discipline, the thought and activism of Africana women are long-standing and diverse, reflected in Walker's novel, The Color Purple. Using selected scripture as case studies in conversation with Walker's novel, our session includes applying the intersectional, interdisciplinary, intergenerational lens of womanist thought that engages the realities of gender, race, class, sexual orientation, age, and ability, all of which affect the experience of relationality. Breakfast will be bagels and fruit served by the young adults.

July 8

Pullen Kids Backyard Pool Party

July 10

Pullen Kids: Messy Church