Holy Week at Pullen
Palm Sunday – On Sunday, April 10, we will wave our palms and shout our hosanna’s as we walk into Jerusalem with Jesus and one another. We will begin our Palm Sunday parade in front of the YMCA on Hillsborough Street. As we gather there at 10:45 a.m., everyone will be given a palm leaf or a piece of fabric to spread along the path as we make our way into the sanctuary. Along the journey, the choir will lead us in our shouts of hosanna, and the orchestra will usher us into the sanctuary where we will leave some of our palms on the chancel area as we continue our worship. Following worship the children and their families (and anyone else who would like to participate) will enjoy the annual Easter egg hunt lead by Pastor Tommy.
Holy Monday – Set aside some time in your day to read the lectionary texts for Monday of Holy Week: Isaiah 42:1-9; Psalm 36:5-11; Hebrews 9:11-15; John 12:1-11. The gospel reading tells the story of Mary anointing Jesus’ feet with an expensive perfume and Judas raising the question of why the expensive perfume wasn’t sold and the money given to the poor. Consider the question: How do we balance self-care while caring for the poor?
Holy Tuesday – On Holy Tuesday our focus will be on prayers for peace and an end to all wars—military wars and the war on poverty. There will be a prayer service held in Pullen’s Chapel from 6:00-6:30pm in which we will offer our prayers and lift our voices for peace in song. The flags of our partners around the world, including the Ukrainian flag, will be on display. Lectionary texts for Tuesday of Holy Week are: Isaiah 49:1-7; Psalm 71:1-14; I Corinthians 1:18-31; John 12:20-36.
Holy Wednesday – Read John 13:21-32, the gospel reading for this day. In this passage we find Jesus with a “troubled spirit.” Reflect on where you spirit feels troubled. Is your troubled spirit calling you to make a change in your life, or to reach out to someone who you haven’t heard from in a while, or take an action to help a friend or stranger? Or, maybe just sit with what is troubling your spirit and listen for the spirit’s guidance.
Holy Thursday – Our Maundy Thursday service will begin at 6:30 in the chapel. From the chapel we will make our way into the Siler Garden where we will offer prayers before entering the sanctuary where we will share in communion. Lectionary texts for this day are: Exodus 12:1-4, 11-14; Psalm 116:1-2, 12-19; I Corinthians 11:23-26; John 13:1-17, 31b-35. Note: We will not gather for a simple meal this year prior to worship.
Holy Friday – Pullen’s chapel will be open from 12:00-2:00 p.m. for anyone who would like to walk the labyrinth. Staff will be there to offer guidance if needed. Lectionary texts for this day are: Isaiah 52:13-52; Psalm 22; Hebrew 10:16-25 or Hebrews 4:14-16; 5:7-9; John 18:1-19.
Holy Saturday – Set aside some time in your day to read John 19:38-42. Meditate on the following: Imagine the world as the “body of Jesus.” Picture all the ways the world is broken and dead in spirit and soul. Now imagine how, like Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus, you might bring into the world a mixture of “myrh and aloes”—acts of compassion and care. End your meditation with one intention of how you will care for the “body of Jesus” – those in our world who are crucified daily from poverty and oppression and injustice.
Resurrection Sunday – We will begin our celebration of Resurrection Sunday at our 9:00 a.m. Baptism Service in Finlator Hall. (If you are new to Pullen, this is my very favorite worship experience.) Being baptized this year is Brooke Grayson. Brooke is a young adult who joined our church on March 13. While Brooke is affirming her own faith journey in the act of baptism, she is also affirming her desire to join the Pullen family as she grows in her faith. Baptism is a communal event and experience. When Brooke joined Pullen, we made a covenant to be with her along the journey. That covenant included sharing with her in her baptism and being present for her on the day of her baptism. Following baptism, the youth will be serving a “grab-n-go” type breakfast before we gather in the sanctuary for our 11:00 a.m. Easter worship with our alleluia bells.