Statement of Worship: Jack McKinney’s Final Sunday November 22, 2009  by Nancy Petty

Statement of Worship–Nancy E. Petty

Today is a day of mixed emotions. We gather to worship God—to be renewed, restored, challenged, and inspired by God’s love for us. We also gather in the awareness that today we say good-bye to one of our pastors. For almost ten years now, Jack has shared his wisdom, his truth, and his God-given gifts for ministry with us. He has challenged and inspired us to live out God’s requirement to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God. We are a better people and a better church because of his ministry among us.

Today, our worship focuses on the God who calls each of us to do justice, who blesses each of us with grace and mercy, and who walks with us through all of life’s transitions. On this day, our most profound expression of gratitude for Jack and his ministry at Pullen is to offer ourselves in worship with as much honesty and openness to God as we can, trusting that the God we worship is a God who is always near to us.

Let us worship!


A Last Sunday Sermon November 22, 2009 by Jack McKinney


Lessons from Our Life Together November 15, 2009  by Nancy E. Petty & Jack McKinney