An Invitation to Formation.

March Sunday Groups: Sundays at 9:30 am

Don’t miss out on these amazing opportunities for learning, meaningful conversation, and the possibility of deepening your faith and spiritual life. Sunday Groups give us an opportunity to get to know each other and go deeper in our conversations with one another. This is a great opportunity if you’re a newer member or attendee looking to connect with others in the Pullen community. If you’re looking for an accomplice in the work you feel called to, you may find that person in a Sunday Group. Take a moment to look at the list of offerings below. Sunday meet from 9:30 to 10:30 am.

Contact: Nancy Petty

  • Foundations for Faith: January 5-May 11 (except Easter Sunday) from 9:30-10:30 am in Room 307 and on Zoom

    Foundations for Faith is primarily a Bible study class led by a rotating team of teachers who will focus on various themes -- Books of the Bible or other faith-based topics, such as Baptist history. The class format will consist of some lecture and lots of open discussion.

    This class will be taught by Cathy Tamsberg, David Walley, Jim Jarrard, and Allen Page. These four offer a rich mix of life experiences in theological study, teaching, parish leadership, and social justice activism, which promises a rewarding and stimulating class experience. There are no prerequisites for this class, and no Bible study experience is necessary. All ages are welcome to join us.

    Contact: Steve Smith

  • Exploring Themes of Lent: Wilderness, Keeping Silence, Repentance, Forgiveness, and Radical Love: March 9, 16, 23, 30, and April 6 from 9:30-10:30 am in Room 203

    Our pastor and Pullen members will share their experiences and reflections on the Lenten themes, followed by group discussion. Hear your fellow Pullenites’ wisdom on these spiritual practices for daily living, in Lent and beyond.

    March 9Wilderness: Karen Delahunty, Gail Powell, and Grace Evans

    March 16Keeping Silence: Rachel Wooten

    March 23Repentance: Mary Moore

    March 30Forgiveness: Mark Nance

    April 6Radical Love: Pat Long and Jean Kauss

    Contact: Nancy E. Petty

  • Collapse-Able: Three handbooks for living now and later: March 9, 16, 23, and 30 from 9:30-10:30 am in Room 310

    This group will explore Alice Loyd’s new book, Collapse-Able: Three handbooks for living now and later. The book can be purchased here, but you need not have read the book to participate in the conversation.

    A longtime Pullenite and founding leader of what is now called our Earth Ministry group, Alice recently completed this legacy project and saw it to publication before her death. Her powerful book provides timely wisdom that equips us "to thrive in present conditions as well as in a period of greater environmental and economic distress."

    The first week of this Sunday Group will feature a conversation with the book's editor (and Alice's daughter), Laurie Cone. The following three weeks will provide deep engagement in the book's core themes -- spiritual strength, communal social skills, and practical knowledge to help us prepare for the world ahead.

    Contact: Ian McPherson