An Invitation to Formation.

Spring Sunday Groups: Sundays at 9:30 am

Don’t miss out on these amazing opportunities for learning, meaningful conversation, and the possibility of deepening your faith and spiritual life. Sunday Groups give us an opportunity to get to know each other and go deeper in our conversations with one another. This is a great opportunity if you’re a newer member or attendee looking to connect with others in the Pullen community. If you’re looking for an accomplice in the work you feel called to, you may find that person in a Sunday Group. Take a moment to look at the list of offerings below. Sunday groups begin on January 7 and meet from 9:30 to 10:30 am.

Contact: Nancy Petty

  • Race and… Conversations Around Intersectionality: March 3, 10, 17, 24, and April 7, 14, in Room 203

    What does race have to do with climate change? Criminal justice reform? LGBTQ rights? In this 6-week series, we will learn about a different social justice issue each week to discover how race and racism relate to other causes Pullenites are passionate about because injustice does not exist in a vacuum. Every aspect of Pullen’s radical vision for justice-love has a racial dimension, and seeking our collective liberation must include dismantling racism in all the many ways it shows up in the world.

    March 3: Environmental Racism and Climate Change (Grace Evans and Gail Powell)

    March 10: Education (Maggie Zeillmann)

    March 17: Criminal Justice (Rev. Chalice Overy)

    March 24: Gender and Sexuality (Rev. Ian McPherson, Chris Schwertman)

    April 7: Healthcare (Dr. Jeremy Mani). Dr. Mani is a first-year pediatric neurology resident at Emory University. He spent much of his college and graduate school learning about healthcare disparities and how larger systems across the country can affect the lives and well-being of individuals from every walk of life. He is a strong advocate for his patients and loves what he does! Jeremy comes from a long tradition of Indian Orthodox Christianity and tries to live with Love and spread that Love in what he does every day. He is so grateful for this opportunity to have conversations about anti-racism from the lens of medicine and faith!

    April 14: Disability (Jill Hinton)

    Contact: Nancy Petty

  • Exploring the Bible

    Exploring the Bible is a Bible study class led by a rotating team of teachers. Each one leads several weeks to focus on various themes or Books of the Bible. The format involves some lecture and open discussion. On April 7 and 14, Allen Page will lead us in focusing on providing a “corrective” approach to viewing the “ransom passages” of the New Testament, for example, Mark 10:45. These passages have often been the primary filter for understanding the Gospel. We will attempt to see these passages through an alternative lens. On April 21, we will consider the Passover, which will be celebrated during that week. Lisa Grabarek will lead the April 28 class as we look at Philippians 2:12-13. We will consider what it might mean to “work out our own salvation with fear and trembling.”

    This class has no prerequisites; no Bible study experience is necessary. All are welcome to join us. Email Steve Smith at to be included in the class emails for updates and a Zoom link.

    Contact: Steve Smith

  • Ask the Pastor: Conversation with Nancy: April 7, 14 in 310

    Do you have a curious question you have been holding not sure how to ask your pastor? A theological question? A question about the direction of the church? An inquiring question about her life that you have wondered about? A question about world events that you would like to know her perspective on? On April 7 and 14 you will have a chance to ask your question(s) to our pastor, Nancy Petty.

    Contact: Nancy Petty

  • North Carolina’s Political Landscape and a Faith Response: April 21, 28, May 5 in 203

    April 21 – Many people are saying that 2024 will be the most important and potentially impactful election year in modern U.S. and North Carolina history, but what’s really on the ballot and at stake? In this season, Rob Schofield, the Editor of NC Newsline (and Pullen member), will summarize some of the key races and policy debates that will dominate news coverage and public discussion between now and November and help us think about how we can remain fully informed and engaged.

    April 28 – A panel of Pullenites lead by Cathy Tamsberg and Jeff Cherry will share their perspective on what they see as the important issues in this election year and how they are engaging on a state and national level to make a difference in the outcomes. Conversation facilitated by Nancy Petty.

    May 5 – Rev. Rob Stephens will offer his perspective on a faithful response to the moral issues impacting this election, specifically in North Carolina. Rob will also discuss ways that people of faith can be involved in our state and national elections. Rob is an organizer with Repairers of the Breach and the Poor People’s Campaign. He also served on Cheri Beasley’s campaign for US Senate. Rob is a dear friend of Pullen Church.

    Contact: Nancy Petty

  • Eco-Theology and Eco-Spirituality 101: April 21, 28 in 310

    April 21 - Rev. Ian McPherson will lead an Eco-Theology 101 class lifting up some Biblical and Christian theo-ethical approaches to environmental justice and creation care. Together we will encounter artists, activists, church leaders, and scholars who will embolden our faithful response to the climate crisis and reconnect us with our faith’s deep reverence for God’s Creation.

    April 28th - Carol Lenox will lead a session on eco-spirituality. Carol is an employee of the Environmental Protection Agency, has a Masters in Pastoral Studies with a focus on spirituality and ecology, and is an avid student of Christian thinkers and writers such as Thomas Berry and Teilhard de Chardin. Participants will be led in a discussion on eco- sprituality followed by the use of Christian ecological texts in Lectio Divina, an ancient way of reading scriptures that includes prayer and contemplation on the written word.

    Contact: Nancy Petty