Let the Sun Shine at Pullen!  

As of October 1st, the solar panels on the Cox building have been operating for 5.5 months.  They have  already generated 52,400 kWh of clean energy. In terms of carbon footprints, this clean energy is comparable to removing 8 gasoline-powered passenger vehicles from the road for a year or preventing the consumption of 4,179 gallons of gasoline.  It is equivalent to the amount of carbon sequestered by 44 acres of U.S. forests in an entire year. 

Out of pocket savings on the Cox Buildings Duke Energy bill so far  are $9,359! As the Duke Energy price for electricity rises (as it did in September), our savings will also increase. Our solar panels are  operating at 115 % of the promised solar panel generation which is another unexpected benefit!


November, 2022 Earth Ministry Challenge: Food Waste is a Spiritual and Social Justice Issue


Planning For the Season of Creation