Planning For the Season of Creation

(Celebrated Worldwide by Many Christian Denominations)

What is the Season of Creation? The Season of Creation is a time to renew our relationship with our Creator and all creation through celebration, conversion, and a commitment to working together.  It is intended to be a prayerful celebration that promotes sustainable lifestyles. In 1989, the Ecumenical Patriarch of the Orthodox Church, Dimitrios I, proclaimed September 1 as a  “Day for Prayer for the Creation”.  In 2001, the concept was adopted  by a number of European Protestant denominations. In 2008, the World Council of Churches expanded the celebration to September 1st thru Oct 4th, (which is the feast day of St Francis of Assisi).  It was not until 2019 that Pope Francis encouraged Roman Catholics to participate in this ecumenical event. Today, the SOC is celebrated around the world by many Christian denominations. 

This year’s theme is: “Listen to the voice of Creation”.  It is based on Exodus 3:1-12. If you are looking for resources to plan events for your SOC celebration, this website offers a wealth of information  It is a collaborative ecumenical, welcoming effort that has been designed to promote Creation care events globally. It provides resources for laity and clergy. One of the most useful resources on the site is the SOC Celebration Guide 2022. (2022 SOC Guide). You will find this year’s inspiring “Season of Creation Prayer”  and read a wonderful explanation of the connection between the Exodus story and  the choice of the burning bush as this year’s logo. There is advice on how to shape an Earth friendly worship service, and numerous ways to engage your church community in action whether it be advocacy,  listening to marginalized voices, engaging in service projects or holding a sustainability event during the season. Whether you are looking for an in depth study of the SOC or specific resources such as prayers, lectionaries, sermons or a sample of an ecumenical prayer service, you will find it all in this guide and on this website.  

ICCT invites you and members of your faith community to join us at the second annual Oct 3rd ICCT Prayer Chain for the Earth,  an inspiring finale to this year’s Season of Creation!   Learn more


Let the Sun Shine at Pullen!  


Rally & NC Utilities Commission Public Hearing On The Duke Energy Carbon Plan