Please Take Five Minutes to Encourage Congress to Act on Composting 

People and communities of faith have a huge opportunity to help advance large scale composting in our country!  Worldwide, about 33% of soil is degraded. In the United States, soil is disappearing 10 times faster than it’s being replenished naturally. Composting helps build healthy soils and increases the ability of soils to store carbon, thereby combating global warming while protecting water resources, increasing agricultural productivity, and increasing food production. A massive investment in a large scale composting infrastructure is needed to address America’s food waste challenge and replenish US soils.  There are two bills in the US Congress that address this pending crisis: The bipartisan Federal Recycling and Composting Accountability Act (S. 3743) and The Compost Act, (H.R. 4443 and S 2388).    

Please take 5 minutes to encourage Congress to Act on both Composting Bills by using this easy online advocacy tool. 

By clicking this link to the online advocacy tool you can, quickly, urge your members of Congress to support both bills.  By entering your name and address, the tool will automatically generate a call, an email, or a tweet to your own members of Congress (both Senators and your Representative).  The tool includes a sample email message,  phone script, and tweet, all of which can be modified to better reflect your ideas.  Fill in your personal information and select the Take Action box to reach contact information for your representatives. Your first contact option is a phone call. Select Skip Calling if you prefer to send an email or tweet. 


Learn more: You can find a more in depth look at composting and both bills, at this link:  We thank Carl Sigel, Susannah Tuttle, Muriel Williman and Frank Franciosi for their roles in this ICCT webinar and “take action” event.  

Gail Powell

Pullen Earth Ministry

Interfaith Creation Care of the Triangle


Notating Pullen’s Message for the World


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