Raleigh NC Reparative Justice Resolution: Here’s How You Can Help

The Raleigh Human Relations Commission requests support of the Raleigh Reparative Justice Resolution.  This resolution asks for the establishment of a Racial Equity and Reparative Justice Commission with expertise in anti-racism practices to identify and study Raleigh’s role in the historical oppression of African and African-American persons through slavery and any of Raleigh’s past acts, methods, and policies that discriminated against African-American persons.  The outcome of this Commission work will be to propose policies to remediate identifiable harms stemming from any past acts of discrimination by Raleigh against the African-American community.


The Raleigh Reparative Justice Resolution will be presented to the Raleigh City Council by the Raleigh Human Relations Commission tentatively on June 7,


The commission asks the to support the resolution by writing letters of support and by signing the online petition described below. Please share information about the letters and petition and ask for help within your networks in the following three ways: 


Letters of support:

  1. Address your letter to the: City of Raleigh

  2. Please email it to deborahbromiley12@gmail.com 

  3. Include the following:

    1. Your support of the resolution

    2. The importance of adopting this Resolution for the city of Raleigh to acknowledge our racist past and a necessary step in the racial healing of our community.

    3. Refer to any of the wording in the Resolution as you feel led.


Petition for Individuals in your Organization to Sign: 

There are two ways to sign the petition. 

  1.  Online petition:



  1.  You can download a copy of the petition. Please have your friends, family, or other community group members sign only one of the two versions. Here is a signing page.


This is a request for support. Not a financial contribution. Ouida Watson will pick up hard copy petitions at church or your home. Contact her at 919 607-0468 or blue.celica@gmail.com by May 26th.  


What we are doing is very important for the racial healing of our community, and your participation does make a difference. Please share this widely and have as many people as possible attend the council meeting when the date is confirmed.  Thank you very much.


 Please share this widely and have as many people as possible attend the council meeting when the date is confirmed.  Thank you very much. What we are doing is very important for the racial healing of our community, and your participation does make a difference.


Please Take Five Minutes to Encourage Congress to Act on Composting 


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