Congregational Care

Statement of Purpose:

As a faith community of individuals, called by name and joined in love and commitment to God, we seek to provide an opportunity for each person in the Pullen community to give and receive care and experience a sense of belonging.

Visitor and New Member Support

Through its commitment to fully support individuals who visit and/or join Pullen, this ministry seeks to provide information, make a personal contact, and offer encouragement as people integrate into the life and ministry of Pullen Church.

  • Building Tours: Tours of our building are offered at the end of each Pullen 101 session. Look for information on dates at

  • New Members: New members are introduced to the congregation, not only on the Sundays they respond to the invitation, but also through spotlights in subsequent issues of Pullen News. Each new member or family unit receives a packet of helpful information, which includes church histories, directory of the membership, constitution/bylaws, and a New Member Guide. A mentor is also provided for new members who would like to have personal help finding their way around our church and its ministries.

Joys & Concerns Shared in Worship

During our prayer time in worship each Sunday, joys and concerns in our Pullen extended family are shared. Persons wishing for illnesses, deaths, or major celebrations to be voiced in worship should complete a prayer request form located at the bottom of prior to Sunday morning to request that they be included. You can also call the church office to add to this list.

Ministry to Home-based Members

Many Pullenites help extend our ministry to those members unable to attend church services regularly, contacting them through periodic visits or by phone. Church office volunteers send bulletins and sermons to home-based members.

Hospice After-care

This ministry offers support and resources to Pullen people and their families immediately following a hospital stay as needed.

Good Samaritans

This group extends a caring and helping hand to Pullen people who need occasional help with personal of family tasks due to illness, injury, or hardship.

  • Transportation to woship or local medical appointments

  • Meals

  • Emergency Child care

Crisis Ministry

Pullen’s Crisis Ministry offers immediate response to Pullen people in the event of a personal or family crisis. The pastors and other appropriate caregiving groups respond to and assess needs at the time of crisis and offer support in the days immediately following the crisis.

Inclusion Ministry

The Inclusion Ministry focuses on supporting all members of the congregation to fully participate in church life by assistating the church in meeting the needs of members who have special needs. As the needed, we offer special support for children and youth so they can fully participate in our ministries with their peers.

How to Receive or Provide Care

For more information on any of these ministries, to volunteer or receive care, contact Chalice Overy, Associate Pastor.